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Agent Orange Library
This report, "US Assistance to Vietnamese Families Impacted by Agent Orange," reviews the history of U.S.-Vietnam cooperation and examines assistance for those affected by Agent Orange, including families and caregivers, in Vietnam. The report identifies a need for comprehensive nonmedical support and offers recommendations to better address this need and further develop bilateral trust and respect.
More than four decades after the end of the Vietnam War, the U.S. and Vietnam are just beginning to address the negative consequences of Agent Orange, the Dioxin-contaminated herbicide used during the war. In this groundbreaking book, two leading experts on Agent Orange and its aftermath explore current scientific understandings of the chemical and consider the promising solutions to addressing the consequences of its use.
From 1962 to 1971, the U.S. military sprayed herbicides over Vietnam to strip the thick jungle canopy that could conceal opposition forces, to destroy crops that those forces might depend on, and to clear tall grasses and bushes from the perimeters of U.S. base camps and outlying fire-support bases. Every two years the Institute of Medicine publishes a summary of the research that has been done on Agent Orange-Dioxin and provides recommendations to the VA for conditions that should be added to the list.

In "The Long Reckoning," George Black recounts the inspirational story of the small cast of characters—veterans, scientists, and Quaker-inspired pacifists, and their Vietnamese partners—who used their moral authority, scientific and political ingenuity, and sheer persistence to attempt to heal the horrors that were left in the wake of the military engagement in Southeast Asia.
America has never taken responsibility for spraying the herbicide over Laos during the Vietnam War, author George Black writes in the New York Times. But generations of ethnic minorities have endured the consequences.
Read the free version Black's article on the Pulitzer Center page! Access it here.

Our project site, Agent Orange Record, was developed with funding from the Ford Foundation to provide an objective and comprehensive account of the toxic legacy of Agent Orange as it impacts Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, the U.S. and other areas where Dioxin-contaminated herbicides were used, manufactured or stored.
A multi-year project to help Americans and Vietnamese address the continuing health and environmental impacts of herbicides sprayed in Vietnam during the war. The Program promotes dialogue within the U.S. policy community, and between the U.S. and Vietnam.
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