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Agent Orange Record


For decades since the ending of the U.S. war in Vietnam, research into Agent Orange-Dioxin has been mired in controversy and further complicated by widespread outdated or inaccurate information. Furthermore, major efforts that have attempted to address the many toxic legacies of Agent Orange have been limited in their scope and focus.

The Mission

Agent Orange Record, our website project, was initially developed with funding from the Ford Foundation to provide an objective and comprehensive account of the toxic legacy of Agent Orange’s impacts in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the U.S., and other areas where Dioxin-contaminated herbicides were used, manufactured, or stored.
The Agent Orange Record’s mission is to provide accurate and unbiased information to inform the public policy community, academics, scientists, veterans and their families, the general public, and non-governmental organizations about the ongoing health and environmental impacts of Agent Orange and other Dioxin-contaminated herbicides.
In addition to promoting greater understanding, Agent Orange Record aims to foster constructive dialogue about the impacts of these toxic herbicides and help find a solution to ongoing health and environmental effects resulting from the U.S. war in Vietnam (and other areas of the world). We encourage others to get involved and help organizations already working to address this issue.

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