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The Bob Feldman Fund


Improving livelihood, public health, access to medical care and education, and more ...


The Bob Feldman Fund was established in 2006 by Bob and Nancy Feldman, as Bob was fighting a battle against  a Lymphoma caused by exposure to Agent Orange during his military service at the Bien Hoa air base in Vietnam. 
The Feldmans wanted to help those in Vietnam who were also suffering from the impacts of Agent Orange and began donating Bob’s VA benefits to the War Legacies Project. 
Since the Fund began in 2006, over 550 families in Vietnam have received assistance with livelihood support, construction of new homes, medical care, and academic scholarships. Every year, the Fund supports up to 40 households that care for a severely disabled or sick child or young adult. Most families are living on or below the poverty level earning less than $100/month. The assistance ensures that families have what they need to survive to continue providing care to affected members of their households.

Pink Sugar

The Bob Feldman Fund


From one family to another....

Currently, War Legacies Project works with the Quang Nam Province Red Cross in central Viet Nam to expand the Feldman Fund and improve livelihood opportunities and the long-term economic well-being for all. To date, Bob’s family and friends still support the Fund.

Pink Sugar

A Life-changing Legacy
April 4, 2019
Minnesota PBS
Bob Feldman was an engineer and he was drafted into the Vietnam War. “Neither of us supported the war, but he felt a sense of duty,” says his wife....

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