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Donate Today!


War Legacies Project is able to conduct our programs primarily due to the generous support of individual donors. However, we would not be able to operate without the on-going support of the Chino Cienega Foundation (CCF). CCF has been a generous donor since our beginning and its board members are trusted advisors. Their annual grant helps cover much, though not all, of War Legacies Project's operating expenses. As a result the majority of the funds donated by individuals go directly to program expenses.

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You can send checks to: War Legacies Project at 144 Lower Bartonsville Rd., Chester, VT 05143. Please note on the memo line if you have specific requests for the donation.​

If you would like to make a donation of stocks, please email Susan Hammond at for details.

War Legacies Project is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible as allowable by the IRS. If you would like a copy of our tax-exempt letter, please contact Susan at Our Tax ID Number is 26-1947398.

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General Support

We keep operating costs low by partnering with local Vietnamese and Lao organizations, but still have general operating costs that must be met. General support donations also enable us to use the funds where they are needed most.

The Fund supports children with disabilities and their families. by providing medical care, income generation, housing repairs, scholarships and/or adaptive equipment.


The survey is producing a systematic recording of the extent of Agent Orange contamination in Laos and its human health impacts. In our other project we are also conducting interviews and collecting memories of pre-war and post-war Laos to archive these stories, official records, and more.

With the freeze of USAID funding thousands of people with disabilities in Vietnam are no longer getting the support they need. The fate of these programs are still unknown. WLP will help as many Agent Orange impacted individuals as we can so they do not have to continue to wait for assistance.

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We provide affordable prosthesis for those who come into contact with the millions of tons of Explosive Remnants of War and suffer the loss of limbs or more.

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Agent Orange Record is War Legacies Project's comprehensive website that provides accurate and unbiased information in order to inform the public about the ongoing health and environmental impacts of Agent Orange.

We finance life-saving or life-changing surgery and medical care for children and young adults living with congenital heart defects, club foot, cleft palate, epilepsy and other birth defects in Vietnam and Laos.

We finance life-saving or life-changing surgery and medical care for children and young adults living with congenital heart defects, club foot, cleft palate, epilepsy and other birth defects in Vietnam and Laos.

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We help increase a families annual income by providing  animal husbandry, home renovations, business consultation or vocational training and more.

Working with forester Phung Tuu Boi, we help villagers in Vietnam’s Dong Son Commune restore biodiversity and also increase their income.

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