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Improving livelihood, public health, access to medical care and education, and more ...

Livelihood Program
How we get there:

We ensure that people become self-sufficient by engaging in safe work and by managing and saving their resources through animal husbandry, usually by providing families with cows, water buffalos or pigs. For families earning less than $2 a day a breeding cow provides a safety net in their barnyard enabling them to generate income and assets.
Home Improvement
Animal Husbandry

Families caring for children with disabilities are often unable to leave their children home alone. We provide seed money to help individuals develop or expand their small home-based business. Our partner organizations provide business-skills training and strengthen connections in local labor markets by addressing barriers to employment.

We work with service providers to ensure that families have access to essential and safe housing, either through repairing, home improvement or building new homes, to provide weather-tight and climate-adaptive homes.

Livelihood means people can satisfy their most basic needs, and have access to sustainable sources of income. This program accelerates the healing of individuals and their communities from the legacies of war. War Legacies Project supports development practitioners and advocates working to design effective programs that help us achieve health, economic, and social outcomes using our theories of change.
Through our Livelihood Program, we ensure that people have what they need to survive. They can continue caring for their loved ones affected with a disability or illness—without any additional financial stresses.
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